Our partners

A memorandum was signed with the Belarus-Uzbekistan Joint Interdisciplinary Practical Technical Qualification Institute in INNO innovative educational and production technology park.

Technopark General Director Mansurbek Sultanov and Institute Executive Director Bakhodirov Azizbek signed a memorandum of cooperation.

In the future, this cooperation will allow conducting research and exchange of experience in the field of modern technologies and robotics, digital technologies.

It also creates a foundation for the development of science and technology, the establishment of mutual cooperation between professors and teachers and students.

On May 16, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan and "INNOTECHNOPARK" LLC.

The main goal of signing this cooperation agreement is not only to teach the language to students, but also to direct them to the profession and develop their practical skills.

According to the memorandum, the partners:

• to support the strengthening and development of cooperation in the joint training of personnel in all directions and specialties related to the technical field;

• internships with foreign representatives of companies, start-ups in innovative directions, launching projects, using the accumulated experience in technology through the exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, short-term training or lecture courses, professional organization of seminars, business games, trainings, master classes in science;

• providing support in the organization of production and scientific practice of bachelors and masters in all areas related to the technical field, assisting in the organization of production, educational laboratory, scientific practice or internships of students, scientific-pedagogical staff;

• organization of professional retraining and professional retraining of scientific-pedagogical personnel, employees or specialists;

• optimization of production, publication of scientific articles based on scientifically based and reliable information;

• assistance in the exchange of experts, implementation of joint research projects;

• reached agreements on issues such as organization of national and international conferences, symposiums and roundtable discussions, holding mass youth events (contests, sports competitions, creative events and specialized evenings) to encourage young professionals.

On the day of signing the memorandum, 3 students of UzDJTU started their internship.

Professors and teachers from the George Fox University of the United States of America got acquainted with the activity of INNO innovative educational and production technology park.

On May 16 of this year, a group of professors and specialists led by Dr. Robert Harder got acquainted with the production processes, innovative inventions and developments of young people in the technological park.

During the visit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between George Fox University (USA) and INNO innovative educational-production technology park.

This cooperation allows the implementation of cooperation in the field of education, science, innovation and exchange of experience between the two countries. It will also create a foundation for the development of engineering and scientific-academic cooperation in the future.

The official opening ceremony of the new Korean office of the INNO innovative educational production technology park was held in the Gyeong-Buk Techno Park building.

The director of INNO innovative educational production technology park is making a business trip to the Republic of South Korea. During the visit, the official opening ceremony of the new office of the INNO innovative educational production technology park in Korea was held in the Gyeong-Buk Techno Park building.

Today, Gyeongbuk TechnoPark contributes to the development of the local economy as a center for the development of local industry, business support, and innovation. It also ensures the cooperation of enterprises, universities, scientific research institutes.

After that, negotiations were held and a memorandum was signed on the establishment of mutual cooperation with the scientific and research centers and universities of the Republic of Korea.

The memorandum was signed by the executive director of "Gyeongbuk TechnoPark" Ha In-soo and the general director of INNO innovative educational-production technopark Mansur Sultanov.

Administrative support was provided between the technological parks of the Republic of Korea and Uzbekistan in order to expand bilateral cooperation, exchange information, simplify export activities for both countries, and attract investments

It is also planned to support the projects of talented young people, to share experience in the wide involvement of entrepreneurs in innovative activities. This cooperation plays an important role in the support and development of innovative, scientific and technical activities.

A memorandum was signed between Tashkent State Transport University and INNO innovative educational and production technology park.

In the future, this cooperation will serve the development of innovative culture, increase the quality of personnel training, as well as the strengthening of relations between education, science and production.

In doing so, the parties will train and improve the qualifications of specialists, introduce new innovative ideas and technological developments into the production process.

Also, innovative activity is an important factor in organizing new developments and discovering young innovators.

A memorandum was signed between the Department of Coordination of Special Operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and INNO innovative educational and production technology park.

In the future, this cooperation will serve the development of innovative culture, increase the quality of personnel training, as well as the strengthening of relations between education, science and production.

In doing so, the parties will train and improve the qualifications of specialists, introduce new innovative ideas and technological developments into the production process.

Also, innovative activity is an important factor in organizing new developments and discovering young innovators.

A memorandum was signed between INNO innovative educational and production technology park, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent Tractor Plant and UMPT

On March 13 of this year, at the INNO innovative educational and production technology park under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the establishment of an advanced engineering school, the discovery of innovators from pre-school and school and higher education institutions, scientists and ordinary people, with students, university scientists and the factory A memorandum was signed between Tashkent State Technical University named after I.Karimov, INNO innovative educational and production technopark under Higher Education Science and Innovation, Tashkent Tractor Plant (Agro tech cluster) and UMPT (UzautoMotors Powertrain) enterprise in order to implement new projects in cooperation.

INNO innovative educational and production technology park is considered one of the largest technology parks in the Republic of Uzbekistan and was launched in January 2022. This technopark is an educational and production technopark that meets modern requirements and has all the conditions for the implementation and development of projects and ideas of young people, scientists and entrepreneurs.

The participants of the event got acquainted with the activities of the modern production machines, the co-working zone aimed at the development of innovation potential and the robotics and electronics, biotechnology, standardization and metrology laboratories in the territory of the technology park, and future projects were determined.