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The 'Point of Attraction' meeting dedicated to the establishment of an advanced competencies center was held.
July 25, 2024, 9:22 a.m. 172

On July 25, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation to establish an advanced competencies center called “Point of Attraction” in the “Inno” innovation technopark. The meeting was attended by Shohrukh Daliyev, the First Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation; Shohrukh Yunusov, a responsible employee of the Department of Social Development of the Presidential Administration; Alexey Sitnikov, Vice President for Strategic Partnerships at the Skoltech Institute; and leaders from several higher education institutions related to the project. During the meeting, a presentation from the Russian side regarding the implementation of this project was listened to, and the next steps were discussed. For information, on May 27 of this year, within the framework of Russian Federation President V. Putin's state visit to the Republic of Uzbekistan, an agreement was signed between the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, which envisioned cooperation in establishing the “Point of Attraction” advanced competencies center in the “Inno” innovative educational and manufacturing technopark.

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Representatives of the Ministry's delegation are participating in a conference in Wuhan, China
July 22, 2024, 3:14 p.m. 196

From July 22 to August 2, a seminar on the project "Science, Technology and Innovation Parks sustainable for development" of the UN Conference on Trade and Development is being held in Wuhan, China. Mansur Sultanov, general director of INNO innovative educational and production technology park, is participating in the seminar. On the 1st day of the seminar, lectures were held on the topics of China's development process and the trend of innovation incubators, development experiences were studied. Within the framework of the project, establishment of bilateral cooperation between Uzbek and Chinese technology parks, business incubators and accelerators, including exchange of experience, training of personnel and joint training on the development of startup and innovative projects organization of programs is envisaged.

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A memorandum was signed with the Belarusian-Uzbekistan Institute of Intersectoral Practical Technical Qualifications in Tashkent.
July 17, 2024, 9:19 a.m. 226

A memorandum was signed with the Belarus-Uzbekistan Joint Interdisciplinary Practical Technical Qualifications Institute in Tashkent at the INNO innovative educational and production technology park. Technopark General Director Mansurbek Sultanov and Institute Executive Director Azizbek Bahadirov signed a memorandum of cooperation. In the future, this cooperation will allow conducting research and exchange of experience in the field of modern technologies and robotics, digital technologies. It also creates a foundation for the development of science and technology, the establishment of mutual cooperation between professors and teachers and students.

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Representatives of the Belarus-Uzbekistan Institute of Intersectoral Practical Technical Qualifications in Tashkent visited to "INNO" technopark
July 15, 2024, 1:32 p.m. 198

During the visit of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the "INNO" innovative educational and production technology park, the issue of development of the field was put forward at the video selector's meeting regarding the training of personnel in engineering fields and further improvement of the activities of higher education institutions. According to the tasks given at the meeting, on July 10 of this year in Tashkent, the head of the educational and methodical department headed by the executive director of the Belarus-Uzbekistan Institute of Intersectoral Practical Technical Qualifications A. Bakhodirov, faculty deans and The working group consisting of heads of departments was introduced to the activities of the technological park and its opportunities by M. Sultanov, the director of the INNO innovative educational and production technology park. During the visit, issues such as the organization of student internships in the technology park, the establishment of cooperation, and joint participation in international scientific and innovative projects were discussed by drawing up a bilateral memorandum.

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A meeting was held with the State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovation.
July 15, 2024, 1:31 p.m. 226

At the "Inno" innovative educational production technology park, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan met with members of the State Agency for State Services and Social Innovation. Mansurbek Sultanov, the technopark's general director; Abdulkhamidov Shokhjakhan, the director of the "Yashnobad innovative technopark"; Otakhanov Rasulbek, the head of protocol services; Jeyhun Salmonov, the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan's State Agency for State Services and Social Innovations; and the head of the department of international cooperation were among those present at the meeting. Discussions for mutually beneficial cooperation were conducted with Turana Gasimova, the leader. The representatives of both sides decided at the conference to arrange internships to help bright young people and to share ideas in order to create creative activities in the future. Plans were established and issues of collaboration on the growth of the creative and scientific-technical area were examined.

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Students of higher educational institutions are implementing practical processes
July 15, 2024, 1:29 p.m. 138

Students of higher education institutions are carrying out internships at INNO innovative educational and production technology park. Students - young people apply their theoretical knowledge in practice while working on machines in the production zone. All conditions for students and youth have been created in the technopark as part of the practical measures aimed at quality assurance of the implementation of a number of tasks set by the head of our state on the training of personnel in engineering fields and further improvement of the activities of higher education institutions. Also, cooperation with Tashkent Tractor Plant and Uzautomotors was established on the basis of the "network-enterprise-university" chain in order to find an industrial partner for each university and establish dual education.

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Faruk Inaltekin, a representative of the Bilkent Cyberpark company of Turkey, visited the INNO innovative educational production technology park.
July 15, 2024, 11:29 a.m. 131

Faruk Inaltekin, a representative of the Bilkent Cyberpark company of Turkey, visited the INNO innovative educational production technology park. A presentation of future cooperation and projects was made. The contract and future plans were agreed. Bilkent Cyberpark is a science and technology park established in 2002 in cooperation with Bilkent University, the first and most famous of Turkey. There are more than 300 leading companies in various fields, research centers, micro-nanochip factory and technology-based business centers.

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A meeting of the internal commission on organizing residents' activities was held
July 15, 2024, 11:27 a.m. 136

A meeting of the internal commission on the organization of residents' activities was held at INNO innovative educational and production technology park This commission was established in order to develop and improve the procedures and criteria for accepting new residents, which are important for the development of the technological park. The general director Mansurbek Sultanov, employees of the department of work with residents Shokhruh Tashmatov, Khamidulla Mahamatov, Azizjon Akramov and several businessmen candidates for residency took part in the meeting. At the end of the meeting, recommendations were made to improve the current system of obtaining resident status, and information on getting to know the activities of entrepreneurs who wish to obtain resident status in the future and working with them in perspective, as well as information on the correct use of tax benefits given

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An education forum between Russia and Uzbekistan was organized.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 134

On June 24-25, the fourth Russian-Uzbekistan educational forum was held in the city of Vladivostok of the Russian Federation on the topic "Future educational space: new competencies, innovations, technologies". About 150 participants from the Administrations of the Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Russian Federation, ministries of education, higher and professional educational institutions, IT, culture and cultural heritage, and youth organizations took part in the forum. A number of issues were discussed at this forum, which serves to raise bilateral cooperation in the field of higher education, science and innovative technologies to a new level. In particular, it was noted that rectors' forums held at the initiative of the leaders of the two countries have become an important international platform covering all stages of education, science, culture, medicine, and production.

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Discussion of proposals on establishing dual education based on "Network - enterprise university".
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 171

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Kungirotboy Sharipov, at the meeting chaired by the head of state, noted the existing achievements and shortcomings in the system of training engineering personnel, and at the same time, it was necessary to implement in the field in the future. noted that priority tasks were defined and touched on them After that, suggestions and opinions of the heads of universities and industry experts on the development of the system were heard. Proposals were also discussed on finding an industrial partner for each university and establishing dual education based on the "network - enterprise university" chain. Opening of "Higher Engineering Schools" in 10 universities, where advanced higher education institutions in the field of engineering are selected from each region, it is expediency to start their activities

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"The Best Idea", "The Best Project" and "The Best Invention" national competition will be held.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 153

"The Best Idea", "The Best Project" and "The Best Invention" republican contests will be held in the fields of engineering. Teachers, students and practicing engineers will be able to participate in the competition. First place is given to an electric car. Also, the best 10 participants who are the authors of ideas, projects and inventions will be sent for internships to countries such as Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Italy, Turkey, South Korea, and Singapore. 15 billion soums are allocated annually for these purposes.

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A videoselector was held on issues regarding the training of personnel in engineering fields and the further improvement of the activities of higher education institutions.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 122

The President addressed the issues and solutions in the sector. Each year, 3,000 industrial enterprises are launched in our country, creating around 150,000 jobs, 35,000 of which are in the technical field. Currently, 264,000 undergraduate and 3,000 master's students are studying in this field at 36 state universities. Each year, 67,000 students graduate. However, the directions and specializations in technical universities do not meet the demands of producers. For example, out of the 76 undergraduate programs in state technical universities, 45, and out of the 73 master's specializations, 51, are not taught in leading foreign technical universities today. As a result, 60% of engineers do not work in the field they studied. Next, the head of our state communicated with scholars, heads of departments of technical universities, and leaders of educational and scientific centers. During the conversation, he thoroughly studied the opinions and suggestions expressed and gave several instructions to responsible persons to implement them in practice. "The issues raised today and the suggestions made are very important for our future and for our economy," said the head of our state at the end of the meeting. It was emphasized that to ensure the rapid growth of our economy, we need highly qualified engineer-technologists as much as we need water and air. Confidence was expressed that if each minister, sector leader, rector, and professor-teacher works diligently and takes responsibility seriously, they will undoubtedly fulfill this task. During the meeting, reports from sector and regional leaders were heard.

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President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the "Inno" innovative educational and production technopark.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 288

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the "Inno" innovative educational and production technopark. In the technopark, innovative ideas and inventions are developed to advance industrial sectors. Collaboration with higher education institutions has been established to train young people in modern professions. Every year, seminars and practical workshops are organized with the participation of nearly 15,000 students and pupils. Such innovation centers are increasingly being established in our country. With the development of industries, energy, and information technologies, new complexes are being launched, requiring engineers and technicians with modern knowledge and skills. Presentations were held on the establishment of advanced engineering schools at the Tashkent State Technical University, Bukhara Engineering-Technology Institute, Tashkent State Transport University, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Tashkent Architecture and Construction University, and Tashkent University of Information Technologies. A resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2024, outlines several tasks in this regard. Specifically, according to the resolution, the organizational and managerial activities of higher education institutions preparing personnel in engineering and technical fields are being improved. Existing curricula are being reviewed for alignment with modern technologies and employer requirements, and are being fundamentally revised. The head of our state was informed about these developments. In the initial phase, advanced engineering schools will be established at 10 higher education institutions. The school's supervisory board will include scientists and representatives from partner enterprises. These schools will implement two-year practical master's programs, selecting candidates based on producer orders. In the first year, students will design new products and conduct scientific research based on enterprise orders, studying through specialized modular programs. In the second year, they will test the technological processes related to creating prototypes of new products at enterprises. The President emphasized the importance and effectiveness of scientific research at higher education institutions. He noted that the attention given to the education system should be reflected in scientific achievements. The head of our state also reviewed the inventions and advanced developments of scientists. Information was provided on energy-saving equipment, cooling systems protecting transformers from explosions due to overload, chemical reagents crucial for the oil and gas sector, modern approaches in construction and road building, engineering projects for water facilities, and modern inventions related to information technologies.

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The conference continued its work in plenary sessions
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 133

In the conference, the rectors of higher education institutions specializing in engineering and technical fields from both countries gave presentations on the creation of advanced engineering schools, the current directions for developing technical education, and the prospects for cooperation between science and industry. In his presentation, the rector of Tashkent Technical University, academician S. Turabjanov, focused on the efforts being made to establish advanced engineering schools. Specifically, he highlighted the creation of the "Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources" laboratory, a transformer testing ground with a capacity of 600 kW, as well as a testing ground for a solar and wind power plant with a capacity of 1.8 MW. Additionally, technical specifications for NSP (New Special Projects) equipment were developed, and the necessary equipment and material-technical base were provided. The academician also presented his proposals for the creation and development of advanced engineering schools. Nikolay Rogalev, the rector of "MPEI" National Research University, shared the experience of "MPEI" National Research University in training personnel for the Russian energy sector. He noted that "MPEI" National Research University houses the only educational and experimental thermal power plant in the country, equipped with a modern high-efficiency combined cycle power unit. Collaboration has been established with over 700 organizations, including the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Gazprom, Rosatom, and others. A. Ghulomov, the vice-rector of Tashkent State Transport University, gave a presentation on the advanced engineering school of transport engineering. He outlined the goals and objectives of NSP in transport engineering, which include training world-class engineers in transport engineering and wagon construction by engaging in real projects in education, science, and industry.

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A conference on the topic "Prospects for Higher Technical Education in the Context of Scientific and Technological Development" has begun its work.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 111

The conference on the topic "Prospects for Higher Technical Education in the Context of Scientific and Technological Development" has commenced. It features a delegation of about 15 rectors from prestigious higher education institutions specializing in engineering and technology, led by Dmitriy Afanasyev, the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia. More than 35 leaders from higher education institutions in Uzbekistan, as well as officials from ministries and agencies, are also participating in the event. The conference was opened by Qongirotboy Sharipov, the Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations of Uzbekistan, along with Dmitriy Afanasyev, the Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. During the conference, it was noted that achieving sustainable development in the system of training highly qualified specialists requires the implementation of projects in areas and specialties most in demand in the labor market, as well as fostering academic mobility.

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Participants of the "Mirzo Ulug'bek Vorislari" competition visited INNO.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 102

All participants of the "Mirzo Ulug'bek Vorislari" competition at the republic stage visited the INNO innovative educational and production technopark. The youth had the opportunity to closely observe the production machines and activities in the technopark. The innovative projects presented generated great interest. On May 21, the opening ceremony of the republic stage of the Mirzo Ulug'bek Vorislari competition took place at Tashkent State University of Economics. The competition, aimed at supporting talented youth, is organized by the "Ulug'bek" Foundation, the Youth Affairs Agency, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, and the regional and Tashkent city administrations. The republic stage of the competition will last for four days.

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The "Made in Univer" exhibition of innovative developments.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 161

On May 18 of this year, an "Innovative Technologies" exhibition took place within the framework of the "Talaba-Fest" project in collaboration with the "Tashkent City Administration," the "Youth Affairs Agency," the "Youth Academy," and the "Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations." The event brought together all graduating students and talented youth. At the end of the event, the winners of the "Best Innovative Idea" were evaluated and awarded by the judging panel. Additionally, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Innovations Otabek Mahkamov and Deputy Mayor of Tashkent Durdona Rahimova delivered speeches during the event.

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Memorandum between Uzbekistan State World languages University and INNO innovative educational and production technology park
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 122

On May 16, a cooperation memorandum was signed between Uzbekistan State World languages University and INNO innovative educational and production technology park The main goal of this cooperation agreement is not only to teach students languages but also to guide them towards careers and develop their practical skills. According to the memorandum, the cooperating parties will: - Strengthen and develop collaboration in the joint preparation of personnel in all fields and specializations related to technical areas. - Utilize accumulated experience in technology through internships with foreign representatives of companies, launching startups and projects in innovative fields, and exchanging theoretical and practical knowledge, including organizing short-term training or lecture courses, professional seminars, business games, training sessions, and workshops in specific subjects. - Assist in organizing production and scientific practices for bachelor’s and master’s students in all technical fields, and support the organization of production, educational laboratories, scientific practices, or internships for students and academic staff. - Organize professional development and retraining for scientific-pedagogical staff, employees, or specialists. - Optimize production and publish scientific articles based on scientifically grounded and reliable information. - Provide assistance in the exchange of specialists and implement joint research projects. - Reach agreements on organizing national and international conferences, symposiums, and round table discussions, as well as conducting public youth events (contests, sports competitions, creative events, and specialized evenings) to encourage young specialists.

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A memorandum was signed between George Fox University (USA) and INNO Technopark.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 108

Professor-teachers from George Fox University in the United States visited the INNO innovative educational and production technopark to learn about its activities. On May 16 of this year, a group of professors and specialists led by Dr. Robert Harder became acquainted with the production processes in the technopark, as well as the innovative inventions and developments of young people. During the visit, a cooperation memorandum was signed between George Fox University and the INNO innovative educational and production technopark. This collaboration allows for the implementation of cooperation in education, science, and innovation between the two countries, as well as the opportunity for experience exchange. It also lays the groundwork for future development of engineering and scientific-academic cooperation.

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The opening ceremony of the "ASIA High Safety" Uzbekistan-Russia Joint Training Center.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 112

The opening ceremony of the "ASIA High Safety" Uzbekistan-Russia Joint Training Center, specialized in training specialists for working at heights, was held at the INNO innovative educational and production technopark. The ASIA High Safety joint venture is currently a resident of the technopark. Representatives from the industrial sector participated in the ceremony, where information about the activities of the joint venture was provided, along with future plans. Additionally, a showcase of special clothing and tools was organized during the event. This collaboration aims to further strengthen the trade bridge between Central Asian and Near Eastern countries in the future.

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A scientific-practical conference called "Current issues of modern translation studies and linguistics" was organized at the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 104

A scientific-practical conference called "Current issues of modern translation studies and linguistics" was organized at the State University of World Languages ​​of Uzbekistan. Technopark employees took part in the meeting with their presentations. Opinions and opinions were expressed on the introduction of new technologies to modern translation studies, the development of new programs and projects. Certificates and souvenirs were presented at the end of the event. Agreements on future cooperation have been made.

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"ROBOT.Uz-2024" international competition was held.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 107

The international competition "ROBOT.Uz-2024" organized for talented students and students in the field of robotics, young teachers, scientists and specialists of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov was held at INNO innovative educational production technology park. . The purpose of the international competition is to publicize the scientific and technical creativity of talented young people in the field of robotics, to increase the prestige of engineering professions, and to stimulate the interest of young people in the fields of innovation and modern technologies. The contest was attended by schoolchildren, students, young teachers and scientists, as well as young specialists of enterprises engaged in the creation of robotic developments and popularization of the field.

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Gyeong-Buk Techno Park and INNO signed a Memorandum of Understanding for mutual cooperation.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 150

The director of the INNO innovative educational and production technopark was on a business trip to the Republic of South Korea. During the visit, an official opening ceremony for the new office of the INNO innovative educational and production technopark in Korea took place at the Gyeong-Buk Techno Park building. Gyeongbuk Techno Park is currently contributing to the development of the local economy as a center for developing local industry, supporting businesses, and fostering innovation. It also ensures cooperation among enterprises, universities, and scientific research institutions. Following this, negotiations were held to establish cooperation with scientific research centers and universities in the Republic of Korea, and a memorandum was signed. The memorandum was signed by Ha In Su, the executive director of Gyeongbuk Techno Park, and Mansur Sultonov, the general director of the INNO innovative educational and production technopark. The memorandum aims to expand bilateral cooperation between the techno parks of the Republic of Korea and Uzbekistan, facilitate information exchange, simplify export activities for both countries, and attract investments. It also envisions the exchange of experience in supporting the projects of talented youth and engaging entrepreneurs in innovative activities. This cooperation plays a significant role in supporting and developing innovative and scientific-technical activities.

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The Russian delegation visited the INNO Technology park
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 99

General Director of Ministery of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kungirotboy Sharipov introduced the conditions created in the technological park and work activities to the Strategic Initiatives Agency for the Promotion of New Projects of the Russian Federation headed by Chupsheva. The delegation includes the Special Representative of the President of Russia for Software and Technical Services, General Director of NTI Platform ANO Dmitry Peskov, Vice President of Communications and Community Development of the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Alexei Sitnikov. is being launched by technopark. first the production zone was introduced. The guests were informed about the benefits and concessions for residents of the technology park. Also, the activities of modern production machines, robotics and electronics, biotechnology, standardization and metrology laboratories aimed at developing innovative potential in the territory of the technology park were shown. After that, negotiations were held on the prospects and possibilities of bilateral cooperation, and future plans were determined.

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The IV international scientific and technical conference was held
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 123

The 4th international scientific and technical conference on the topic “Innovative equipment and technologies in agriculture - problems and prospects in the food chain” was held at the "INNO" innovative educational and industrial technological park. This conference was organized with the participation of representatives of educational institutions, including the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent State Technical University, Shayana Pharm, Webster University, Inha University in Tashkent.

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Negotiations were held with the director of Inter Partner Company of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 106

Negotiations were held with Zeynegul Bisenova, director of the Inter Partner Company of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the "INNO" innovative educational and production technology park . Issues of mutual cooperation were discussed in the conversation with the representative of the neighboring country. Experience in the activities of enterprises, production and import-export was exchanged. During the conversation, it was noted that one of the priority areas of cooperation between the parties is innovative products, equipment and technology, and further expansion of relations between the two countries, including the implementation of future agreements, was determined.

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Training seminar on "Legal Frameworks on Promoting University Entrepreneurship".
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 107

A training seminar on "Legal Frameworks on Promoting University Entrepreneurship" was held in cooperation with KOICA, U - ENTER and INNO technopark under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. The seminar was opened by Mansur Sultanov, the general director of the technopark, and the professor of the Institute of Startup and Entrepreneurship Development of South Korea, Dr. Hosted by CHO SUNG HYUN. At the seminar: The role and importance of the startup ecosystem in universities; Implemented projects on the Stratap ecosystem; Information was provided on topics such as the legal basis of entrepreneurship development in universities. The seminar was also attended by professors, teachers of higher education institutions, students and young people doing scientific work. Active participants were awarded certificates by the technopark.

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Representatives of the delegation of the People's Republic of China visited.
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 117

Rector and officials of Shandong Province Foreign Trade Professional College of People's Republic of China visited "INNO" innovative educational and production technology park. The visiting guests got acquainted with the activities of modern production machines, robotics and electronics, biotechnology, standardization and metrology laboratories aimed at developing innovative potential in the territory of the technology park. In the future, the issues of exchange of knowledge and experience among young students were discussed.

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Memorandum between Tashkent State Transport University and INNO innovative educational and production technology park
July 14, 2024, 10:01 p.m. 109

A memorandum was signed between Tashkent State Transport University and INNO innovative educational and production technology park. In the future, this cooperation will serve the development of innovative culture, increase the quality of personnel training, as well as the strengthening of relations between education, science and production. In doing so, the parties will train and improve the qualifications of specialists, introduce new innovative ideas and technological developments into the production process. Also, innovative activity is an important factor in organizing new developments and discovering young innovators.
